
Ebay invoice
Ebay invoice

To offer combined payments, you’ll have to enable it on your account. It’ll save you time, and you can offer the buyer a shipping discount. When a buyer purchases more than one item from you, you can combine their purchases into one invoice.

  • Make any necessary changes (to shipping charges, payment methods, etc.).
  • In My eBay, select Sold - opens in new window or tab.
  • In Seller Hub, select Orders - opens in new window or tab.
  • You can send or revise an invoice from either My eBay or Seller Hub. Select the report Type and the Start and End date. Select Transaction report from the drop-down menu. From the menu on the left, select Reports.


    You can’t send an invoice if it’s been more than 30 days since the listing ended. Heres how to download your transaction report: Go to the Payments tab.

  • The buyer hasn’t paid for an auction they’ve won, and you want to send them a reminder.
  • You need to change some of the transaction details, such as shipping charges or payment method (although this should only be done at the buyer’s request).
  • ebay invoice

  • The buyer is purchasing several items from you, and you want to combine them into a single purchase.
  • Under the Add a Message to Seller box there is a blue box that says Commit to buy and Submit Request, select this and you will have your combine shipping invoice within 24 hours from us.There are a number of situations where it’s useful to send an invoice to your buyer:

    ebay invoice

    The Add a Message to Seller box will allow you to make special requests, such as letting me know if the item is a gift, asking any questions you may have or just to say hello and thank you. To receive a combine shipping total it is not necessary to type in the box asking for a combine total, once you are done with this page I will get a notification to send your invoice.

    ebay invoice

    Here you will also see a review of the items you are buying as well as a add message to seller. After you completed step 2 you will be redirected to a new page, the Order Details page. Step 2: Click the My eBay tab in the top right corner and scroll to Purchase History. Make any necessary changes (to shipping charges, payment methods, etc.). Find the item: In Seller Hub, select Orders. To get this you need to select the Request Total from Seller button that is above the first item in your cart. You can send or revise an invoice from either My eBay or Seller Hub. To receive a combine shipping amount you will need to receive an invoice with a new total. It is important that you DO NOT proceed to checkout at this step! You will see your subtotal and shipping amount here but the shipping amount is not correct for combine shipping. Once you are on the cart page you will see a review off all the items in your cart.

    ebay invoice

    After you have selected all the items you wish to buy from us continue to the cart page, either using step 1 above or clicking the shopping cart icon all the way up on the top right of the eBay page. When receiving payment from ebay we directly credit. After you have added all the items you wish to buy to your cart continue to step 2. Currently we are creating new customer Ledger & Debiting his Account while making Invoice. Select this option and you will be redirected to the cart page. After you find an item you want in our store underneath the blue Buy it Now button there is an Add to Cart option. I finally had time to sit down and do a step by step how to guide that should answer any questions. I’ve been asked a lot how to request an invoice for combine shipping in our eBay store.

    Ebay invoice