
Winfo bully
Winfo bully

winfo bully

Experts and advocacy groups identify 4 types of bullying: verbal, physical, social and cyber. As in the recent tragic school shooting, the teen shooter has a history of depression, poor academic achievement, antisocial behavior and has experienced teasing, bullying and social ostracization. The interconnections between the behaviors of the victims and the behaviors of the perpetrators suggest that both of these groups are at risk for alcohol and substance abuse, poor academic achievement, depression, suicide, and antisocial behaviors. Persistent aggression at an early age increases the risk of later juvenile delinquency, adult violence, school failure, and peer problems.

winfo bully

Bullying behavior among children and adults is surrounded by a multidimensional spectrum of factors that are rooted during the first years of life.

winfo bully

The Center for Disease Control (CDC) in a longitudinal, study found that there is strong evidence to support a link between violence in the home and bullying. Victims are at risk to become bullies to others. The psychological roots of bullying are based in the desire to dominate and control someone, making the perpetrator feel more powerful. Bullying effects both the victim and the perpetrator. A bully uses words and physical presence to perpetuate their tortuous behavior and social media such as Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, or Twitter to mass multiply the devastation. Socioeconomic status, race or gender does not matter. Bullying intimidates, coerces, shames, and promotes powerlessness.

Winfo bully